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Introducing Instinct Payments: Simplifying Financial Transactions

Introducing Instinct Payments: Simplifying Financial Transactions

We’re excited to introduce our latest EMR feature: embedded payments! Instinct Payments simplifies your clinic’s financial transactions, providing a smooth, secure, and efficient way to handle payments, voids, and refunds.

Your team moves fast, and Instinct Payments is here to help them avoid errors and save valuable time. By removing duplicate tasks and easing end-of-day reconciliation, we make your workflow smoother and more convenient for customers than ever.

How It Works

Your Boarding Application and new terminals get you ready to go with ease. Every card transaction settles your Instinct invoices automatically - even your remote payments.

We ensure you can accept all major credit/debit, contactless (including mobile wallets), and link-to-pay remote payments from customers.

Our processing partner is PCI Level 1 compliant, the highest level of security, ensuring that all transactions are safe and secure. This means peace of mind for both your practice and your clients.

Financial reporting becomes a breeze with our detailed Transaction Detail and Transaction Summary reports available directly within Instinct. Our PayHub portal provides access to every payout your hospital receives, down to the penny.

Our payment processing is fully integrated into the Instinct EMR system, automatically settling patient accounts and offering flexible payment options for a better client experience. PAX A920 terminals are mobile and function anywhere your Wi-Fi reaches, providing flexibility and ease of use within your practice.

Our complete implementation service includes straightforward training to ensure you and your team feel confident about using Instinct Payments. We'll guide you through each step, from sending your Boarding Application to ordering your hardware and training your team on the new tools.

5 Key Perks of Using Instinct Payments 

#1 Embedded payments take four minutes fewer per transaction than non-embedded payments. That’s a savings of more than 66+ hours every month (1,000 payments!)

What can you do with that time?

  • Begin life-saving treatment on your next patient 4 minutes sooner.
  • 66+ hours saved means more time for patients. Could you see 66 new patients?

#2 Ease of use. Embedded Payments means shorter learning curves, protection from human error, and prevention of effort duplication.

#3 Work with one vendor for feedback and support. Our ultra-quick 24/7 response times on Intercom and direct access to Instinct enables better support than ever for your team.

#4 Instinct Payments offers flat-rate, minimal fee pricing. 

  • Other processors offer lower initial rates but inflate total costs with high effective rates by tacking on extra fees.
  • Flat-rate promotes more accurate revenue forecasting by offsetting variability.

#5 Protect the revenue you earn. 

We’ll work with you to prevent chargebacks and handle rebuttals on your behalf if they occur.

Get Started 

Payments can happen anywhere. Our mobile terminals and remote payment options allow your clients to pay wherever they are, making checkout flows more flexible and convenient.

To get started with Instinct Payments, just send us a recent merchant statement to, and we'll show you how we can save your practice on fees. Current Instinct hospitals can get set up in as little as one week.

If you're seeking an alternative solution, Gravity Payments is another option. This third-party integration with Instinct can help automate parts of your staff's payment workflows. We'd be happy to introduce you.